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Launch your blogin minutes

The finest NextJS blog template to launch your blog today, equipped with all the features to ensure your writing journey is a success!

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12 hours to design and develop

+ 4 hours to set up the CMS

+ 2 hours to set up SEO

+ 2 hours to set up Analytics and AdSense

+ 1 hour to integrate Mailchimp

+ 1 hour to set up contact form and SendGrid

+ 3 hours to set up article search, filtering, and pagination

+ ∞ hours of overthinking...

= 25+ hours of headaches 😣

Arrow pointing downward There's an easier way

Publish your blog today, create a lasting online presence

Spend your time writing impactful content, not tedious code. ProWrite provides you with all the features you need to create a successful blog.

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Content iconContent
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Newsletter iconNewsletter
Contact iconContact
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  • Checkmark icon Intuitive user interfaces and experiences
  • Checkmark icon Multiple layouts (coming soon!)
  • Checkmark icon Dark, light, and system themes
  • Checkmark icon Responsive components
  • Checkmark icon Time saved: 12 hours
Alamin Shaikh

Hi, it's Alamin 👋

In 2023, I launched my blog and achieved great success. My articles ranked on Google, attracting top-tier clients and job offers.

However, building a successful blog wasn't easy. It required fine-tuning technical SEO, setting up the CMS, integrating analytics, configuring the contact form, and more—tasks that took a significant amount of time. So, I built ProWrite to help you:

  1. Save time and focus on writing impactful content
  2. Use proven strategies to rank quickly on Google
  3. Establish a lasting online presence and promote your business

I am a Top Rated Plus developer on Upwork, with over $40K in earnings. Many clients trust me to build their software, and I've developed web apps that generate multi-million-dollar revenue.


Save hours of coding, launch your blog in minutes!

Gift icon$30 offfor the first 15 customers (13 left)




  • Checkmark iconNextJS pagesDemo
  • Checkmark iconMDX / Contentful CMS
  • Checkmark iconSEO optimization
  • Checkmark iconSendGrid & Mailchimp
  • Checkmark iconGoogle Analytics & AdSense
  • Close iconContentful config & import script
  • Close iconFuture updates
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Pay once & create your blog hassle-free!

Zero setup



  • Checkmark iconNextJS pagesDemo
  • Checkmark iconMDX / Contentful CMS
  • Checkmark iconSEO optimization
  • Checkmark iconSendGrid & Mailchimp
  • Checkmark iconGoogle Analytics & AdSense
  • Checkmark iconContentful config & import script
  • Close iconFuture updates
Get ProWriteArrow pointing to the right

Pay once & create your blog hassle-free!




  • Checkmark iconNextJS pagesDemo
  • Checkmark iconMDX / Contentful CMS
  • Checkmark iconSEO optimization
  • Checkmark iconSendGrid & Mailchimp
  • Checkmark iconGoogle Analytics & AdSense
  • Checkmark iconContentful config & import script
  • Checkmark iconFuture updatesUpdated 3 months ago
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Pay once & create your blog hassle-free!

Frequently asked questions

Have another question? Contact me on X or via WhatsApp

Launch your blog today, leave your mark!

Save time on coding, setting up SEO, CMS, and the contact form.

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