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Walk through

Following is a walkthrough of the ProWrite codebase:

  1. The /app folder contains the blog, article, authors, and contact pages. It also includes the error, loading, and not-found pages, along with global.css, favicon.ico, sitemap.ts, and a syntax.css file that highlights code.

  2. The /components folder contains subfolders with the components for each page and other related components.

  3. The /content folder contains the local content (articles and authors).

  4. The /contexts folder contains the Alert context used to trigger alerts from anywhere in the app.

  5. The /lib folder contains SEO metadata and utility functions used in the client environment.

  6. The /public folder contains subfolders with related static assets, such as images.

  7. The /resources folder contains resources such as Contentful config.

  8. The /server folder contains the following four subfolders:

    • The /actions folder contains files with React Server Actions.
    • The /config folder contains the Contentful configuration for interacting with the CMS.
    • The /data folder contains subfolders and files with functions to fetch data.
    • The /lib folder contains the error handler and utility functions used in the server environment.
  9. The .env.example file contains the environment variables used in the template.

  10. The types.ts file contains the type definitions used in the app.

Lastly, there are a few configuration files.